What is urinary bladder cancer?
Urinary bladder cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the bladder lining. Urinary bladder cancer may come back after treatment, so individuals with bladder cancer should be vigilant about following up with their healthcare providers.
What are the symptoms of urinary bladder cancer?
How is urinary bladder cancer treated?
Surgery: Surgery is used for treating urinary bladder cancer. Expertise chose surgical options based on the stage of cancer. For instance, many times, TURBT, the process used to diagnose bladder cancer, can treat bladder cancer that hasn’t transferred. Doctors either remove the tumor or use high-energy electricity to burn it away with a process known as fulguration
Chemotherapy: These drugs are used for killing cancer.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses your immune system to attack or destroy cancer cells. There are various types of immunotherapy:
Radiation therapy: Expertise use radiation therapy with TURBT and chemotherapy.
Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy focuses on the genetic changes that turn healthy cells to cancer cells.
How is urinary bladder cancer prevented?
Urinary bladder cancer isn’t preventable.